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Filo Tag
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Filo Classic
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Filo Tag
Common questions about the product
What is Filo Tag and what technology does it use?
Do I need to pay a monthly fee to use Filo Tag?
Is the Filo App free?
What are Filo Tag's dimensions?
Does Bluetooth always need to be enabled for Filo Tag to work?
See all 13 articles
What features does the Filo app offer?
How can I find my Filo Tag?
What is the button of Filo Tag used for?
What happens when Filo Tag goes out of range?
Can I share my Filo Tag with another person?
Does Filo Tag use GPS?
Is Filo Tag compatible with my smartphone?
After adding Filo Tag to my smartphone, can I continue to use other accessories connected to my smartphone via Bluetooth?
In order to use Filo Tag do I need to connect anything else to my smartphone?
Does Filo Tag work with Windows or BlackBerry devices?
Ringtone of Filo Tag
Can you change the volume of Filo Tag?
Is it possible to change the type of ringtone for Filo Tag?
I made Filo Tag ring while using the app. How can I make Filo Tag stop ringing once I’ve found it?
Which sounds does Filo Tag emit and what do they mean?
Phone ringtone
How many seconds does your phone ring after pressing the Filo Tag button?
In order to make my smartphone ring do I need to hold down the button on Filo Tag?
I pressed Filo’s button to look for my smartphone but my phone doesn’t ring or the volume is low. How can I change the volume on my smartphone?
How do I ring my smartphone to find it?
Comfort zone
What is the Comfort Zone?
How can I activate the Comfort Zone?
Does the Comfort Zone have a sound notification?
Can I activate the Comfort Zone individually for each Filo Tag?
How can I deactivate the Comfort Zone?
See all 8 articles
Is the Filo Tag battery included in the package?
Is Filo Tag's battery rechargeable?
How do I know that the Filo Tag battery is running out?
How long does Filo Tag's battery last?
What type of battery does Filo Tag use?
See all 10 articles
Filo App
Download Filo for Iphone
Download Filo for iPad
Download the app for Android
Configure Filo Tag for iPhone / iPad
Configure Filo for Android
See all 9 articles
Smartwatch App
What features does the smartwatch app have?
Is Filo compatible with my smartwatch?
Is the Filo smartwatch app free?
How can I install the Filo app on my smartwatch?
Does the Filo app consume a lot of my battery on my smartwatch?
See all 10 articles
I updated my Android’s Operating System and now I am unable to pair a new Filo Tag to my phone.
I connected Filo with a smartphone but now I want to pair it with a different phone. How can I do this?
Why does the “Filo is looking for you” notification appear on my phone?
What does the "find smartphone / iPhone" item in the Filo app menu mean?
Filo Tag emits "tick tick tick", how do I fix it?
See all 9 articles
Orders, shipments & returns
My order
Payment methods
How can I track my order?
How can I retrieve my order number?
How can I get a replacement?
Can I request a warranty replacement if I no longer have the original packaging?
Delivery and shipping
How long does it take to deliver?
Which courier will deliver my order?
What are the shipping costs?
Returns and Refunds
How can I return my goods?
Can I cancel a return request?
Can I return if I no longer have the original packaging?
How will I receive a refund for my return?
I've made a return, when will you issue the refund?
Filo Classic
General information about Filo Classic
What is Filo Classic and how does it work?
Configure Filo Classic for Android
Configure Filo Classic for iPhone / iPad
Filo Classic battery
How long does the battery last and how to replace it?
Filo Classic Reset
[iOS] How to reset my Filo Classic?
[Android] How to reset my Filo Classic?
Filo Classic Troubleshooting
I connected Filo Classic with a smartphone but now I want to pair it with a different phone. How can I do this?
I am unable to connect Filo Classic to my smartphone because everytime that I try, my smartphone sends me overlay notifications on the screen. What can I do?
When I press the bell button in the app my Filo Classic doesn’t ring, what can I do?